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Non-Profit Organizations

Legacy technologies, poor data hygiene and successfully retaining and engaging donors or members are some of the biggest challenges that non-profit organizations (NPO) are facing. At Infinitive, our experts provide organizations with best practices combined with deep NPO experience to improve member retention, increase fundraising, clean data, and update technology to impact your mission.

Infinitive helps NPOs “get more value out of your data” by working together to tackle big challenges. Our industry experts enable your organization to access, secure, and drive insights via the data to achieve mission outcomes. We invest time in the development of our team and clients to provide you with proven strategies and deliver results.

As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we can help create a custom cloud adoption strategy to create a secure and scalable infrastructure to:

  • Increase Mission Impact – Utilizing KPIs, technology enablement, and process assessment and optimization to drive organizational efficiency.
  • Scale the Organization – Efficiently and effectively scaling through change management, training, skills and capabilities assessments, and COE-based enablement.
  • Enhance Fundraising Management – Creating deeper analytics, predictive insights, and improved donation engagement to help hit your fundraising goals.
  • Upgrade Technology with the Cloud – Strategy, architecture, and migration services to optimize IT costs, improve scalability, increase innovation, and generate more member value.
  • Improve Membership Acquisition and Retention – Leveraging data management and governance for your data lakehouse, strategy, and architecture to better understand the needs of your members.
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