Retail Media Is Now 11% Of Total Ad Spend. Here Are 5 Factors Driving That Figure

Published December 29, 2022

Retail media platforms enable companies to build brand awareness and drive product sales from one platform. The ability to easily target consumers makes retail media platforms an efficient and cost-effective advertising strategy. As of 2021, Amazon was declared the third-largest advertising platform, accounting for 13% of digital ad spend in the US. Retail media will continue to grow and here are five contributing factors:

  1. Precise audience targeting: First-party data will allow companies to create personalized ad platforms.
  2. “Pay-to-Play”: Increased sponsorships can help brands gain more organic search visibility.
  3. Non-endemic opportunity: Retail media networks are suitable for companies beyond consumer goods.
  4. Incumbents are expensive: Privacy changes are increasing the cost of advertising for many brand advertisers.
  5. More retailers are launching media platforms: Third party platforms are helping companies establish their own retail media networks

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