Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium (MEEC) Recap

Published May 17, 2023

At the recent MEEC (Maryland Education Enterprise Consortium) conference, Infinitive had the chance to meet many Maryland education leaders and talk about their challenges, the exciting new technologies, and how Infinitive can help. There were plenty of discussions regarding trying to do more with less and getting momentum for change. We discussed how the cloud and new technologies are opening the door to possibilities for efficiencies within an institution and enabling student support opportunities in ways never thought possible.

Since it was a more intimate sized conference, conversations were less rushed and took priority over marketing and flashy displays. While everyone there had similar missions at their institutions, people still spoke of some of the structural and cultural blockers slowing down the change needed. Infinitive has been in consulting for over 20 years, and this is not something new nor isolated to the Education industry. Unfortunately, the further behind you are, the harder it can be to feel like it is possible. However, there is a silver lining. Those who have waited may not have a technology monolith to untangle and can really begin their digital transformation fresh with innovative technologies that make personalization at scale possible.

Infinitive supports higher education with a strategic data planning service comprised of proven frameworks and tools to help institutional leaders begin to understand the art of the possible with their data and enable student success. For more information, contact us today!