AWS re/Start – To Infinitive and Beyond

Published August 18, 2021

The AWS re/start program is a skills development and job training program which prepares unemployed or underemployed individuals for entry-level careers in cloud computing. The 12-week initiative is designed to remove barriers to full-time, skills-based learning opportunities and has been rapidly growing as it creates a diverse tech pipeline for communities around the world.

When COVID-19 arose, many people faced job disruption. Vivian Ng, a former front office supervisor for a hotel in New York City, lost her job due to the national crisis. Nevertheless, this set-back opened the door for a new opportunity. AWS re/Start enabled Ng to dive into cloud computing without any previous experience in technology. “The AWS re/Start program gives people the opportunity to transform their career,” said Ng. “It is a good platform to gain a new set of skills and knowledge, and gave me the practical knowledge about how to use it in a work environment. I’m really grateful for this program. It changed my life.”

Finding talented cloud practitioners and engineers can be quite challenging for transformation and technology consultancies. However, Infinitive recognizes the value of hiring entry-level technology practitioners. “Hiring and training junior-level resources, whether they come in from college or from programs like re/Start, has been a real passion of mine,” said Jim McGinn, Infinitive’s technology practice lead and AWS alliance manager.

After Ng’s AWS re/Start graduation, she started a 12-week internship at Infinitive where she now holds a full-time role as a Principal. “We have been able to teach and train re/Start graduates, building on their foundational knowledge. Our re/Start interns were building in a Python and SQL training environment. Using Amazon Workspaces, we preloaded the environment with data and let them work for a week. They demoed it for our CEO, and his reaction says it all: ‘Are you serious right now? They just did all that in a few weeks?’” said Jim McGinn.

Infinitive is proud to be a part of the AWS re/Start program’s success and is excited to see its future as it continues to expand knowledge within the cloud. 

Read Amazon’s full blog about the upskilling program here: