Chinese Hack Demonstrates the Importance of Asset Management within IT/GRC

Old routers never die. They just get hacked by the Chinese. U.S. officials recently revealed a concerning cyber operation reportedly involving Chinese actors, targeting outdated home and office Wi-Fi routers in the United States. This operation aimed to exploit vulnerabilities in these devices to potentially disrupt critical infrastructure like electrical and water supplies. Most of […]

Harnessing Data to Improve Mission Impact

Challenge Common App, a leading nonprofit serving higher education, needed a data warehouse and analytic capabilities to bolster mission impact, support industry research and internal business operations. Our client was looking for a cost-effective, extensible and scalable solution that could grow with the business. Specifically, the organization needed to address: The lack of software, infrastructure, […]

Utilizing AWS to Build a Data Warehouse and Analytics Capabilities

Challenge A leading nonprofit serving higher education needed a data warehouse and analytic capabilities to support industry research and internal business operations. Our client was looking for a cost-effective, extensible and scalable solution that could grow with the business. Specifically, the organization needed to address: The lack of software, infrastructure, and tools to support data […]

Staying Ahead of Consumer Privacy Data Laws Does your company collect data? If so, new privacy laws make it imperative that you understand what can and can’t be done with it. These rapid regulatory changes to how data is used will impact both the overall profitability of data usage, as well as your company’s potential liability. The European Union’s General Data […]

Enabling Data Usage While Protecting Against Data Loss Prevention

Challenge A leading financial services company wanted to ensure the continued protection of its data while allowing employees to have more access and visibility into critical data assets. Solution Built a cross-functional team that included collaboration among the CISO, CIO, and CPO, as well as IT, HR, legal, and audit teams, to: Identify and locate […]

Remediating Regulator Findings and Protecting the Organization

Challenge A top 3 U.S. residential mortgage provider recently had Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) findings referencing the lack of formal policies, procedures, controls, and standards (PPCS) in the their IT environment. Solution Assessed and remediated these technology risk management findings by: Deploying financial services risk management experts who understand regulations Assessing the current […]

Video: How Financial Services Firms Can Boost Their Cloud and Customer Data ROI

The pace of technological innovation, coupled with widespread regulatory changes such as the California Consumer Privacy Act, is forcing companies to reconsider how they store, protect and use their data – and how they can put it to work to improve efficiency, cut costs and serve customers better. Infinitive CEO Denis McFarlane recently spoke with Financial […]