Our fans love our premium content, so we wanted to give them a personalized experience to engage with it in new ways that only they could dream up. Providing a ‘SuperFan-like Experience’ using PPCS not only grew our fans’ loyalty to our brands, but it also provided additional video ad inventory that our revenue teams were asking for. The result… increased consumer engagement, increased ad sales, along with growth in merchandise purchases.”

CRO, Sports and Entertainment Media Conglomerate

Common Use Cases

  • Sports Teams & Leagues
  • Local Broadcasting
  • Latest News & Archives
  • Movie and TV content
  • Music Concerts & Business
  • Educational Video Content
  • Fitness & Self Improvement
  • Houses of Worship
  • Universities

One Mobile Experience

  1. ‘TikTok-like’ Streams with ‘Netflix-like’ VOD Search
  2. Highly Personalized Video Playlists
  3. LIVE Event Streaming
  4. FAST channels — delivering your channels, your messaging, your broadcasts

Your Challenges

Lowering costs to capture and stream video on OTT and mobile devices caused audiences to disperse as the supply of high-quality content exploded, giving fans access to new content that they always wanted. Gaining and keeping fans’ attention with your premium content requires personalization and ease of discovery to increase their loyalty and engagement. High-margin, targeted, video ad inventory is required to grow revenue with smaller, new, and niche audiences. Additionally, organizations are needing to:

  • Implement an end to end streaming video solution
  • Decrease the time to deploy a video streaming service
  • Deploy intelligent discovery and organization of new and archived content
  • Increase revenue via highly targeted video advertising and eCommerc
  • Migrate legacy OTT platforms to the latest technology
  • Leverage cloud-based content and asset management capabilities

Our Solutions

Using PPCS media owners can put all their premium content (historical and new) into streaming, must-see highlights that their fans can personally define, curate, and engage with whenever they want – all in the palm of their hand. Video and display ad inventory for brand campaigns, cross-sell, and eCommerce purchasing increases content owners’ revenue, all powered by PPCS contextual and First Party Data targeting. Benefits of PPCS include:
  • Increased engagement and fan loyalty with your premium content  
  • Revenue growth through high margin ad inventory with brands and partners 
  • Re-launch and monetize historical content that is currently archived in storage – earning $0 
  • Quickly develop new niche audiences with differentiated content and specialized channels 
  • Build trusted relationships with your fans through personalization and valuable understanding of First Party Data 

Additional Details

Webinar: The Value of PPCS

Implementing PPCS at Universities

Sign up for a demo!

How We’ve Done it

Over the past 20 years our teams have supported hundreds of Ad Business Transformation projects across the globe with premium media companies and content owners. With that experience, we have focused on helping organizations bring together their most important assets of their online content and their audiences to drive revenue through new monetization solutions. The PPCS solution, powered by Infinitive and NOMAD, is the next phase in the advancement of consumer personalization and streaming services.

Media and Entertainment

Ad Business Transformation

Why Work With Infinitive

With extensive experience in the media and entertainment industry, we have the business understanding and technical expertise to help your organization expand beyond your strategic vision to connect with your audiences and increase your revenue. Infinitive’s key partnerships with AWS and NOMAD create solutions that engage end users in exciting new ways and drive revenue for content owners’ businesses.