This past year has seen streaming increase as people have been stuck at home. More content in front of more eyes would normally be a boon for advertisers. But economic uncertainty made companies think twice about purchasing ads in 2020. That, plus various ad delivery errors, equated to 46% of advertising opportunities being missed, according to research by Conviva. That’s millions of dollars in unrealized revenue.
At Infinitive, we can help clients capture missed ad opportunities and benefit their bottom line. Our consultants have industry expertise and deep technical knowledge and will delve into each client’s specific business drivers. We then use Amazon Web Services to ingest and analyze terabytes of data and build custom dashboards that show missed revenue opportunities. We not only identify what went wrong and why but also help clients fix problems and get the most out of their ad dollars.
Are you leaving potential ad revenue on the table? We can help. As an AWS Media Intelligence consulting partner, Infinitive can help you harness the power of AI and ML solutions with AWS to drive topline growth. Let’s start a conversation today.